Information is presented in the following order below for each user category:
Contact- Counter
Letter of appointment issued by the University of Peradeniya
Borrowing up to a limit of 25 books for 3 months on Library Barcoded Identity Card.
Contact- Counter
Letter of appointment issued by the University of Peradeniya
Borrowing up to a limit of 5 books for one month on staff issue cards
Contact- Counter
Letter of appointment issued by the university and a refundable deposit of Rs.1, 000/=
Reference facilities. Borrowing 2 books on payment of the refundable deposit
Librarian's Office, Main Library
Letter issued by the Librarian and payment of a refundable deposit of Rs.500/=
Borrowing up to a limit of 05 books for one month on staff issue cards
Contact- Counter
Letter of admission to the Faculty of Engineering/ Name in the Class List of the Faculty of Engineering
Borrowing lending library books on Library Barcoded University Identity card.
1st year - 2 books
2nd year - 3 books
3rd & 4th years - 4 Books
Loan period two weeks. One extra book each to all students for borrowing of SR once for overnight use.
Asst. Librarian in charge of the Engineering Library
Permission to read should be obtained after producing the required documents
Branch Librarian in charge of the Engineering Library
Permission to read should be obtained after producing the required documents